Five reasons that make early years teaching exceptional

Five reasons that make early years teaching exceptional


Before children start Key Stage 1, they will go through Reception which is their first year of primary school and the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Typically, children begin their reception year at the age when they turn five, with the academic year grouping based on birthdays from September 1st through August 31st.

Children’s early experiences have the biggest impact on their later life, that’s why being a teacher of early years is a great responsibility, but it’s also a privilege. If you have the good fortune to teach young children, you’re making a significant contribution to their development at an age when they’re most impressionable. There are many aspects of teaching this age group that make it such a special career path.

Here are our 5 reasons why teaching early years is the best job in the world.

1. Joy in their growth

Seeing young pupils grow and develop is, in itself, one of the most satisfying things to experience as a teacher. Early years teachers have the privilege of watching them turn into independent learners, exploring their surroundings and sparking curiosity. It’s exhilarating to see little moments of discovery and joy in their faces.

children science experiement

2. Creating and designing the curriculum

In early years, teachers have the privilege of designing and creating the curriculum that they teach. This is an exciting opportunity to challenge yourself and get creative with your lessons. You will have the chance to create a safe and inspirational learning environment that encourages your students to grow at their own pace. You can tailor your lessons to incorporate topics that are unique to your students and their interests. It’s a place of creativity, passion, enthusiasm and innovation.

3. The classroom environment

The classroom environment in early years is one of the most creative and exciting spaces you can be in as a teacher. You’ll get to work in an environment designed to foster curiosity, creativity, and exploration. You will have the opportunity to use your imagination to create an inspiring and colourful classroom. Think of creating a reading corner, a messy play area and an art corner. The happy chaos of the classroom that you create will only, enhance every step of the learning process.

reading corner classroom

4. Every day brings something new

Each day teaching early years is a thrilling adventure as the little ones begin to develop and bring out their unique personalities. Each day will bring a brand-new twist, funny moments that'll have everyone in stitches, unexpected challenges and question the way you see and interpret things.

One day you could be working on a cross-curricular project about the rainforest, which might cover skills and knowledge in English, science, art, geography and history and on another day celebrating World Book Day or dressing up as a number on the side of a die and engaging in fun activities that showcased the real-life applications of maths.

children dressed up for halloween

5. They are hilarious – and honest

Working with children is an absolute blast! The things they say will both amuse and astonish you. There are times when Early Year Teachers have been mistaken for someone's mum, or even being called mum, mistaken for being younger and even asked about their children, despite some only being 20. They express their love in the sweetest ways, like bringing cards, picking a flower, or just simply telling you directly. They’re also honest and won’t hold back – their sweet innocence nature is truly heartwarming and a constant reminder of the pure joy that comes with nurturing young minds.


Great career progression

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework is thoughtfully designed to support your development as a teacher and enhance the learning environment for your pupils. Moreover, attaining Early Years Educator status will unlock various professional opportunities, broaden your horizons such as working in SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and equip you for future career advancements. Progression includes specialised roles.

Teaching early years is an exciting and fulfilling role that allows teachers to play an essential role in inspiring and developing young minds. The joy of seeing young children achieve their goals is an unparalleled feeling, and building a strong, creative and positive learning environment is such an exciting challenge. Early years teachers have the opportunity to shape the future and create a generation of learners. The close contact with the parents, the vivid teaching environment and the ability to use the EYFS framework makes teaching early years one of the most rewarding teaching experiences out there. Being a teacher is already an amazing responsibility, but teaching young children is a privilege that brings infinite rewards for both teacher and child.


Whatever path you want to take, TLTP Education is here to support you. If you’re looking for early years roles in your local area, head to our vacancies page or register with us today.