Tips to prepare for the new school year

Tips to prepare for the new school year

In the midst of an eventful summer, back to school planning can be rather nerve-racking and overwhelming.

With the new academic year gradually approaching, now is the time to recharge your physical and mental balance so you can feel refreshed and ready to tackle the school year.

Whether you are a teacher or not, we have put together 10 productive ways for you to better prepare yourself for this September

1. Attitude is key
Demonstrating positivity and enthusiasm on your first day back to school can do more good than harm. Pupils are more likely to feel excited and devote to your classroom if they can sense the excitement in you.

2. Memorising your students’ names
Learning your students' names can help you establish a strong relationship with them early. 

 3. Read previous feedback on your pupils

This is a great way for you to identify your students’ strengths and weaknesses. It can also help you discover new approaches to take to ensure students reach their full potential.  

4. Analyse what teaching techniques were successful and unsuccessful in past years
Revisiting old lesson plans can help guide you on your first week of school. Reviewing what methods have worked and haven’t can help you recognise ways of improving your teaching techniques to gain greater result.  

5. Write and send home a back-to-school welcome letter
Creating and posting a back-to-school welcome letter to students and parents, a week or two before school commences, is an effective way of building a positive relationship. Why delay the inevitable when you can get a head start.  

6. Purchasing your teaching supplies and material
For newly qualified teachers, it is important to contact your school beforehand so that you can avoid overspending on teaching supplies. Make use of what is already accessible but purchase any additional necessities, so you can be fully prepared.  

7. Create a constructive list of ways to discipline a disobeying pupil

Children can be a handful, especially when misbehaving. It is vital to come up with rules that will have an impact when disciplining disruptive students. Alternatively, teachers can encourage students to create a list of ways they can be disciplined when interrupting the class. A 2009 study shows that children often adhere to rules when they are actively involved in the rule-making, so perhaps this is an approach to consider for the new term.  

8. Tap into the digital sphere

Online communication is a great way to feel more connected with your pupils. Create a user-friendly website, featuring easy-to-navigate and useful content for students. This can comprise of homework and project details, such as dates and times. You can also upload capturing and enticing images to add colour to your site. With so much to experiment with, the opportunities are endless online.  

9. Create a checklist
Be productive this summer by creating a checklist for the tasks you have set for yourself. This will help you feel organised and better manage your teaching plans for September.  

10. Don’t over prep
Back to school week is stressful enough as it is, so avoid over prepping and instead improvise some elements of your lesson plans. This will enable communication with students to feel less rehearsed and more organic.