Halloween tricks and teacher treats - the coinciding dates you can't ignore

Halloween tricks and teacher treats - the coinciding dates you can't ignore


As if being a teacher isn't already tough enough, the universe decided to add a bit of irony to the mix by making October 31st both Halloween and Teacher Resignation Day for this term. Talk about a spooky coincidence, right? But have no fear, we're here to shed some light on this double-date dilemma and help you find some treats (a.k.a new job opportunities) if you're a teacher considering a new path.

Firstly, let's acknowledge how bizarre it is that these two dates happen to fall on the same day. We can just imagine teachers across the country frantically trying to finish up lesson plans whilst also trying to decide on the perfect Halloween costume. But come on, there must be some serendipitous reasoning behind this, right? Maybe it's to remind teachers to have some fun and not take themselves too seriously. Maybe it's to give teachers an excuse to let loose and enjoy the holiday. Or maybe the universe is reminding us to appreciate the invaluable role teachers play in society, albeit in a peculiar manner.

TLTP halloween costume kids

Regardless of the reasoning behind this coincidence, it does make for a unique situation for teachers who are contemplating tendering their resignation on this day. Should you embrace the Halloween spirit and go out with a bang? Or should you treat it like any other day and submit your resignation quietly? Ultimately, the choice is yours, but we suggest erring on the side of caution and avoiding any gimmicks that may come back to haunt you later (pun intended).

If you're a teacher looking to make some changes to your career path, then you're in luck. The resignation deadline on Halloween may feel daunting, but it also serves as a starting point for new opportunities. TLTP Education is London’s leading recruitment agency that specialises in finding teaching positions for qualified and experienced educators like you. We understand that resigning from your current job may feel like a leap of faith, but we're here to offer you the safety net you need to land on your feet.

At TLTP Education, we believe that finding a new job should be an enjoyable experience, not a scary one. That's why we offer personalised support and guidance every step of the way. From helping you update your CV to preparing you for interviews, our team is dedicated to making your job search as stress-free as possible. So, if you're ready for a change and want to explore new teaching opportunities, get in touch with our team today.

Call us on 020 8709 6540 and have a chat with one of our friendly team or start your journey by registering.


We hope that this blog post has given you a few laughs and some reassurance if you're a teacher contemplating a career move. The coincidence of Halloween and teacher resignation day may have you feeling a little uneasy but remember that it's just another day in the life of an educator. Whether you submit your resignation with a spooky flourish or a quiet nod, know that there are new opportunities waiting for you. And, if you need a little helping hand in finding those opportunities, TLTP Education is here to guide you through the process.

Happy Halloween and happy job hunting!