Funny things kids say at school

There's an old adage that goes along the lines of 'kids say the funniest things'. So true is this that we've seen various TV shows and articles throughout the year having a little chuckle at some of the brilliantly naive and quirky little things that kids come out with in their younger years. 

Teachers sit alongside parents when it comes to having the chance to hear these wonderful little moments of wisdom from the mouths of children. And recently, the Guardian asked teachers around the UK what were the funniest things they had overheard while working in schools. 

Undoubtedly the best of the bunch was from  a Year 5 pupil who asked their friend how they would go about spelling KFC? Another pupil in Year 2, no doubt having picked up something he had heard from an adult, reacted to a story in which a wolf eats his neighbours that "everyone has their limits". 

And English wasn't the only subject that baffled pupils, with one struggling with the mathematical symbol for "therefore". Twitter user @MrsHill08 reports that when she heard one pupil ask "what are the three dots?" When informed it was "therefore", the confused child replied "no, there's only three!"

However, when it comes to the school subjects that seem to leave kids of the UK in a state of confusion, it seems that there are few that could ever rival biology and geography. 

In the former, one pupil explained to a teacher that his mid-lesson snacking was a direct result of his need to control his "obesity" (he meant diabetes), and another explained to Twitter user @KDWScience that when they were born it was a rather unconventional event, claiming that they were a crustacean. Chances that they actually meant they were born via caesarean section are probably reasonably high. 

And while @pkkean was probably quite pleasantly surprised to find that one pupil in his class was concerned about his welfare in the warm summer months, he was probably rather taken aback when asked "Sir can I ask you a personal question? Do you have to put sun cream on your bald patch?"

And in geography, it seems that the natural world presents even more of a challenge to the pupils of Britain. One quipped that he only just found out that the UK contained more than two beaches, in spite of being an island, while @1johngillard was confronted by one truly baffled pupil, who could not find the moon while looking at a globe.