Nicky Morgan launches Your Life campaign

Nicky Morgan has launched the Your Life campaign, which will seek to ensure young people in the UK have the maths and science skills needed to succeed in the future.

At the event, the education secretary said that STEM subjects – science, technology, engineering and maths – are vital if students are going to successfully enter the competitive world of work.

This is a point she is keen to drive home, as even as close as a decade ago, pupils were still being told that maths and the sciences were focused on mathematical and scientific vocations.

"Because the truth is, our world is changing beyond recognition, at a pace unmatched by any other point in history," Ms Morgan continued.

"That change is affecting our country in all sorts of positive ways, but it also means that, to succeed in the global economy, the British workforce of tomorrow has to have the skills and knowledge to compete in that changing world."

STEM subjects, the MP went on to say, are universal – they really can be deployed in any job "you could care to name". Whether it is being involved in a creative environment or the health and beauty sector, they are more than relevant.

Ms Morgan said this is the reason that this three-year campaign is being launched, to help raise awareness of the opportunities science, technology, engineering and maths subjects can bring.

The initiative is being backed by the education, business and technology sectors, and key stakeholders will be involved in highlighting the fact that these subjects are a "gateway into wide-ranging careers".

"By working with these young people this campaign is going to help dispel the myths about STEM subjects," elaborated Ms Morgan.

"Because they’re not stuffy, boring subjects for people who don’t get outdoors much. Far from it - they’re the keys to the most cutting edge, fast-paced areas of work and they’re behind some of the most exciting new developments in this country and around the world."