Teachers holiday abroad cancelled

All pupils are due to return fully back to school in September and the Department of Education (DfE) has warned shools to avoid staff members from having to quarantine during term time effectively barring teachers from taking a holiday abroad during the summer holidays.

The government has warned that there is 'no risk free travel' and quarantine restrictions can be introduced with no notice on any country. Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said it was up to individuals and families to decide whether they wanted to risk going abroad in present circumstances where there are fears of a second wave heading towards Europe. 

Earlier this week the UK removed Spain from its list of safe countries to travel to after uncertainties that the country was experiencing a second wave of coronavirus. Almost 600,000 Brits are racing to get back to the UK and will have to face a 14 day quarantine when they return. 

Like many other key workers, school staff are unable to work from home and face taking unpaid leave if they get caught up in the newly-modified quarantine rules. 

The DfE added, “Where it is not possible to avoid staff having to quarantine during term time, school leaders should consider if it is possible to temporarily amend working arrangements to enable them to work from home.”

The Prime Minister said, “It’s vital that when people are coming back from abroad, if they are coming back from a place where I’m afraid there is another outbreak, they must go into quarantine. “That’s why we have taken the action that we have, and we will continue, throughout the summer, to take such action where it is necessary.”

Despite ongoing clashes between unions and the government over safety measures including whether pupils should wear masks, all schools will be reopening in September and parents must send their children back otherwise href="/news/news/send-your-children-back-to-school-in-september-or-face-a-fine">risk facing a fine

Currently employers do not have to pay while you are in self-isolation and you are not eligible for statutory sick pay. This has sparked outrage and led to growing calls from the government to provide additional support to people who have been caught out by the sudden change in rules. People who are self-employed or can't work from home will lose two weeks wages.