10 Things Successful Teachers Do Differently During COVID-19

10 Things Successful Teachers Do Differently During COVID-19


It is clear that Covid 19 has had a great impact on education. Some schools are still forced to work online, while others work under numerous restrictions. This is undoubtedly a difficult test for students. But teachers also face these difficulties. The life of teachers has turned upside down and today they have to work in completely new conditions.

Some say that working in new conditions is easy, while for others it is a real challenge. Regardless of which side you are on, you have felt a clear change. We can even safely say that these changes are now uniting teachers around the world. How has the life of teachers changed?


Top 10 Things That Teachers Do Differently During COVID-19 

Many specialists had to deal with the fact that some students do not have the opportunity to study online. According to statistics, 463 million children cannot study online due to the lack of technology. Has the pandemic changed the way teachers live?

Definitely yes. A lot of familiar things have changed dramatically and school life will never be the same even after mass vaccination. Nevertheless, teachers are those specialists who never stand still and can find ways out of the situation. Below you will find 10 things that successful teachers do differently due to pandemics.


1. They Constantly Communicate with Students

If earlier teachers communicated with students within the school, now some are faced with the fact that they have to be in touch 24/7. Students can write a message in the evening, in the morning, at lunchtime. Some even note that they often have to help the student with the education tools late in the evening.

Therefore, the pandemic has canceled the boundaries in communication between students and teachers. And this has its advantages, but surely teachers want to take a break from everything. Fortunately, the Easter holiday is here soon and this is a great time to rest.

2. They Develop Transparent Relationships 

As mentioned above, communication between students and teachers has become constant and this increases understanding. Teachers have the opportunity to get to know each student better, as many students may have been shy in the classroom.

Teachers are now more loyal to students and always pay attention to their problems and are always ready to provide assistance that does not only relate to learning. Some students even don’t hesitate to say that they sometimes turn to academic help services found on the reviews page to find a reliable assistant. However, successful teachers do their best to help their students so that they can cope with assignments on their own.

3. They Constantly Communicate with Parents

Communication with parents has also changed markedly. Teachers today have to communicate much more than they did before the pandemic. Distance learning has slightly removed the barriers to parent-teacher communication and pushed many parents to take a more intense interest in the success of their children. Now parents are more open to communication with teachers and many are faced with the fact that they have to communicate with parents very often.

Distance learning has become a problem for many parents, and it is also worth noting that some children are raised by grandparents. Therefore, most teachers even had to visit students' homes to download the necessary tools and show them how to work in the program.

4. They Establish Trust with Students

 Most likely, each teacher will note that the level of trust has increased significantly. Perhaps this is because teachers began to enter more into the position of students and seek an individual approach due to distance learning.

Of course, this is because children began to communicate with teachers in messengers, which on a psychological level increases trust. One way or another, but the pandemic has allowed students to trust their teachers more.

5. They Master New Programs

 When the whole world went online, teachers had to study a lot of programs and apps to provide students with the opportunity to gain knowledge at the same level as it was in the classroom. Online platforms have become the most popular platforms for teaching purposes while schools are closed. These tools are used by 83% of countries.

It was much easier for young specialists to cope with such a task. But regardless of age, each specialist had to experience “digitalization”.

6. They Are Becoming More Creative

The pandemic has forced all teachers to unleash their creativity, especially as all schools went online. To motivate their students to study, many professionals have to use various creative ways. For example, they add gamification elements, launch online events to allow classmates to maintain their friendship, and encourage mutual online support. 

7. They Communicate With Other Teachers and Develop Professionally

The pandemic has unambiguously united professionals around the world. Today, teachers communicate not only with colleagues from their schools but also with teachers around the world. This allows to find new features in the profession, adopt the experience of colleagues to make online learning fun.

Such communication is an absolute plus not only for teachers but also for students as teachers begin to put in more effort and constantly acquire new knowledge to provide their students with the best teaching practices.

8. They Enable Students to Express Themselves

When it comes to online learning, many teachers have changed their tactics. Today, students have more chances to express themselves and be themselves, as there is no explicit competitive environment that is usually formed in the classroom.

Distance learning allows tutors to unleash the abilities of students and push them to reveal their identity. Teachers have to change the system and take into account the characteristics of each student to help them be successful in education.

9. They Pay Special Attention to Mental Health

If earlier the psychologists worked with the mental health of students, and teachers only created a healthy atmosphere, today everything has changed. Teachers have to monitor the mental health of their students on an ongoing basis.

The death of a loved one due to COVID-19, constant information pressure, and restrictions affect the lives of students due to a pandemic. Now teachers need to not only create a healthy environment but also take action to maintain mental health. Although doing this remotely is not an easy task, hence, teachers manage to cope with this challenge.

10. They Think About the Future

Successful teachers have long ceased to complain about all the difficulties caused by the pandemic. On the contrary, they try to treat the current situation as an opportunity to gain this experience, and to integrate its positive features into the education of the future. Even before the outbreak of the pandemic, many teachers had already used digital practices, and the current situation is a good opportunity to learn how to balance between digital and traditional education, observe professional boundaries, but at the same time be open to the needs and wishes of students, help them even in non-academic times and find time for personal life.  

The Final Words

It is interesting that almost all teachers around the world dream of returning to their usual routine. Someone notes that they miss classrooms and noisy halls. Someone says that online learning raises concerns about the future of children while someone thinks of distance learning as a cost and time-saving opportunity. Nevertheless, teachers strive to provide their students with knowledge even in such difficult conditions. This only underlines how important and difficult the teaching profession is.


Author bio: Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at best thesis writing service reviews. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.