3 success-boosting tactics for ECTs seeking their first teaching job

3 success-boosting tactics for ECTs seeking their first teaching job

As an Early Career Teacher (ECT), previously known as a newly qualified teacher (NQT), embarking on the journey to find your first teaching position can be as exhilarating as it is daunting. But with the right approach and some insider tips from TLTP Education, London's top education recruiter, you're one step closer to landing that dream job. Here's a listicle of the best three tips to pave your way to success in the competitive teaching landscape.


1. Craft a standout personal statement

ect paersonal statement

Your personal statement is your first impression – make it count. It’s your chance to shine and show potential schools what you are made of beyond your qualifications on paper.

Highlight Your Teaching Viewpoint: Outline your beliefs about education, your teaching methods and how they align with the school’s ethos.

Showcase your classroom experience: Even if you’re just starting out, include any placements, activities or volunteer work that have contributed to your practical teaching experience.

Demonstrate your commitment to CPD: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is central to progressing in your teaching career. Discuss any additional courses or workshops you’ve undertaken. Check out our range of CPD courses to help improve your skills and expertise.

Make it personal and reflective: Reflect on what inspired you to become a teacher and how you wish to contribute to your students’ lives.

A well-crafted personal statement can set the stage for a strong application, displaying enthusiasm, professionalism, and dedication. Get started with our easy-to-follow guide and download our exclusive ECT Personal Statement template,


2. Network and build connections

ect networking

It’s often said, “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” While your skills and education take precedence, networking can significantly enhance your job prospects.

Engage with teaching forums and groups: Online communities and social platforms like LinkedIn can connect you with experienced educators and decision-makers.

Attend education career fairs: These events are ideal for meeting potential employers and learning about upcoming vacancies.

Volunteer in schools: This gives you the inside track on the school culture and establishes your presence in the education community.

Connect through your training provider: They can recommend you partner schools where there might be openings.

Networking could lead to recommendations, referrals, and insight into job openings before they’re advertised.


3. Be prepared for the interview

ect interview

The interview is your moment to convince the school that you are the right candidate for the job. Preparation is key.

Research the school: Understand their values, Ofsted reports, and any recent achievements or projects.

Prepare examples and lesson insights: Be ready to discuss your teaching strategies and how you manage classrooms effectively.

Anticipate common questions: Questions about classroom management, student engagement, and educational philosophy are commonly asked.

Ask thoughtful questions: Show your interest and insight by inquiring about the school’s culture, professional development opportunities, or technology in the classroom.

Follow our comprehensive ECT interview guide to help you fully prepare understand what to expect.

And, remember, the interview is as much about them finding out if you’re the right fit for the school as it is about you finding out if the school is the right fit for you.


Securing your first teaching role is the start of an exciting new chapter. With a standout personal statement, a strong network, and thorough preparation for your interview, you'll be well on your way to making a great impression. Keep these three success-boosting tactics in mind, and your first ECT placement might be just around the corner.

TLTP Education have been helping ECTs secure their first teaching job for over 15 years, learn more about how our ECT Recruitment Programme can benefit you.